Occohanncock Elementary Dental

a little girl sitting on the floor with her mouth open

Occohannock Elementary School Dental Unit – Currently serving Occohannock Elementary students only. See below for details.

Hours: Open Monday during school hours


Address: 4208 Seaside Road, Exmore, VA 23350
Phone: 757-331-1048 (Kiptopeke Elementary number)

Jessica Kellam

Dental Operations Manager

Occohannock students can be brought from class during the regular school day for their dental appointments – a parent doesn’t need to make an appointment or be present for a visit. Before a child can be seen a completed registration form and medical history must be given to the school office.

You may call the number above for our Kiptopeke Elementary office if you have questions about Occohannock Elementary dental services.

IF YOU NEED US WHEN  WE AREN’T OPEN: For a need that is not an emergency, but can’t wait until we are open to call, dial your center to be connected to the provider on call. We also offer advice for dental emergencies (both infections and accidents) when offices are closed. For emergencies call 911 immediately! Para una necesidad que no sea una emergencia, pero que no puede esperar hasta que estemos abiertos para recibir llamadas, marque el número de su centro para que se lo comunique con el proveedor de turno. Si tiene una emergencia, ¡LLAME al 911 inmediatamente!

Hours: Open Monday during school hours

Address: 4208 Seaside Road, Exmore, VA 23350

Phone: 757-331-1048